After taking a long hard look at this toy, the Bendy Ball by Baby Einstein may not be all it has been cracked up to be.
<p><strong>Toy Description</strong></p> <p>Red and blue lattice-work sides, made from a flexible plastic, meet at a yellow center, decorated with a smiling caterpillar. The sides gives a little when pressed on, while the center line stays rigid. A smaller ball inside the Bendy Ball acts as a rattle, making noise as the ball is moved.</p> <p><strong>Play</strong></p> <p>The red and blue &ldquo;bendy&rdquo; sides of the ball let young children lean on it, allowing them to balance a bit on it as they crawl forward. The rattle inside rewards the child with noise as the ball is tossed or rolled.</p> <p>The lattice-work of the ball&rsquo;s sides allows for small hands to easily grip the ball.</p> <p><strong>Observations</strong></p> <p>Our team found fairly mixed opinions over this toy. Over half of the reviewers recommended the Bendy Ball to others, but a large number persisted that the toy is not-as-described at its best, and unsafe at its worst.</p> <p>Those who recommended the ball reported it being greatly enjoyed. Children enjoy the gentle flexibility of the ball, and the rattle sound it makes. These reviewers also said they had not experienced the problems that were mentioned in other reviews.</p> <p>Complaints were made about a few issues, such as the ball not being as flexible as they thought it would be. In some cases, the ball appears made from a very hard plastic, rather than the flexible plastic it advertises. Some reviewers said the ball became more rigid over time, and lost it &ldquo;bendiness&rdquo; after a few months.</p> <p>Other complaints were in regard to exposed screw heads along the inside center line. Though children could certainly reach these screw heads, our team is not sure how dangerous that would be for a small child.</p> <p>Multiple reviewers reported that children were able to get their fingers stuck in the holes closest to the center line, requiring adult assistance to remove them, but ultimately causing no serious damage.</p> <p><strong>Care</strong></p> <ul> <li>Wipe down with a damn cloth.</li> <li>Do not submerge in water.&nbsp;</li> <li>The plastic melts when put in a sanitizer.</li> <li>Though a few reviewers have said they washed the toy in the top rack of the dishwasher machine, many others have said it melted the product. As such, we cannot advise trying this.</li> </ul> <p>For more in-depth information on how to clean this type of toy, please see our blog, <a href="/Blogs1/The-Cleaning-Guide-for-Toys.htm" linktype="8" target="_self">The Cleaning Guide for Toys</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Parts and Pieces</strong></p> <p>Not applicable. No additional parts are needed.</p> <p><strong>Materials Used.</strong></p> <p>The manufacturer reports that the plastic used in this toy meets all safety standards regarding PVC, BPA, and Phthalates. This toy is latex-free. If you have further questions, <a href="http://www.kidsii.com/customer-service/contact-us" linktype="3" target="_blank">here&nbsp; is a link to their contact form.</a><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: rooney-sans, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 22.0001px;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p><strong>Concerns</strong></p> <p>As stated in Observations, a number of concerns have come up regarding this toy. While we strive to give accurate information based on what is available, we strongly encourage readers to make the best decision, as we know readers, and reviewers, have different opinions on what is acceptable and safe for children. &nbsp;</p> <p>We found that many of the disatisfied reviewers recommended the <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Oball-4-inch-Infant-Rattle-Assorted/dp/B00188XW26/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1457634448&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=oball&amp;linkCode=ll1&amp;tag=toti08-20&amp;linkId=2bbbed1a814ec81d1f1c8ff97b4aefd8" linktype="3" target="_blank">Infant Rattle by Oball</a>. We will review this toy at a later date.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Baby Einstein Bendy Ball
Date published: 2016-02-01
5.00 / 10 stars

Baby Einstein Bendy Ball May Not Be So Bendy

by Kids II
current stage2016-02-01

With a friendly caterpillar face, a jingling rattle on the inside, and lots of holes for little hands to grab, the Bendy Ball still may not be everything a child wants.

Though over half of reviewers gave it glowing recommendations, a large number of reviews expressed disappointment with this toy, mostly around it not being as bendy as it perhaps should be.

  • Baby Einstein Bendy Ball
  • Baby Einstein Bendy Ball
  • Baby Einstein Bendy Ball
  • Baby Einstein Bendy Ball
Baby Einstein Bendy Ball
This measures the quality of the materials and production processes used.
  • 4.00
Including both gross and fine motor skills, this measure how much this toy engages and challenges physical mobility, body awareness, and coordination.
  • 7.00
Used only for baby toys, we grade toys on the types of sounds they make. Be it soothing lullabies, energizing dance music, or animal sounds, noises should not be dangerously loud.
Audio Stimulation
  • 6.00
Used only for baby toys, this measures how much this toy will keep baby’s attention by drawing their eye.
Visual Stimulation
  • 4.00
This score refers to this toy's ability to teach your child that every cause has an effect.
Cause and Effect
  • 4.00
Used only for baby toys, this measures how attractive a toy is to a baby, as well as how long they will likely pay attention to it. Used instead of Replay.
Holds Interest
  • 5.00

Product Specs

Age 0 - 18 months
Made in China
Recalls No
Batteries None
Materials Plastic
Choking Hazard None
Date Reviewed 08/26/2015

Where to Buy

Amazon $6.99
  • Bright colors and a rattle inside make it attractive for young children
  • Small design with holes makes it easy for small hands to grab and hold
  • "Bendy" plastic material may actually be very rigid
  • Small holes may pinch fingers
  • Exposed screw heads 
Detailed Review

Toy Description

Red and blue lattice-work sides, made from a flexible plastic, meet at a yellow center, decorated with a smiling caterpillar. The sides gives a little when pressed on, while the center line stays rigid. A smaller ball inside the Bendy Ball acts as a rattle, making noise as the ball is moved.


The red and blue “bendy” sides of the ball let young children lean on it, allowing them to balance a bit on it as they crawl forward. The rattle inside rewards the child with noise as the ball is tossed or rolled.

The lattice-work of the ball’s sides allows for small hands to easily grip the ball.


Our team found fairly mixed opinions over this toy. Over half of the reviewers recommended the Bendy Ball to others, but a large number persisted that the toy is not-as-described at its best, and unsafe at its worst.

Those who recommended the ball reported it being greatly enjoyed. Children enjoy the gentle flexibility of the ball, and the rattle sound it makes. These reviewers also said they had not experienced the problems that were mentioned in other reviews.

Complaints were made about a few issues, such as the ball not being as flexible as they thought it would be. In some cases, the ball appears made from a very hard plastic, rather than the flexible plastic it advertises. Some reviewers said the ball became more rigid over time, and lost it “bendiness” after a few months.

Other complaints were in regard to exposed screw heads along the inside center line. Though children could certainly reach these screw heads, our team is not sure how dangerous that would be for a small child.

Multiple reviewers reported that children were able to get their fingers stuck in the holes closest to the center line, requiring adult assistance to remove them, but ultimately causing no serious damage.


  • Wipe down with a damn cloth.
  • Do not submerge in water. 
  • The plastic melts when put in a sanitizer.
  • Though a few reviewers have said they washed the toy in the top rack of the dishwasher machine, many others have said it melted the product. As such, we cannot advise trying this.

For more in-depth information on how to clean this type of toy, please see our blog, The Cleaning Guide for Toys.  

Parts and Pieces

Not applicable. No additional parts are needed.

Materials Used.

The manufacturer reports that the plastic used in this toy meets all safety standards regarding PVC, BPA, and Phthalates. This toy is latex-free. If you have further questions, here  is a link to their contact form. 


As stated in Observations, a number of concerns have come up regarding this toy. While we strive to give accurate information based on what is available, we strongly encourage readers to make the best decision, as we know readers, and reviewers, have different opinions on what is acceptable and safe for children.  

We found that many of the disatisfied reviewers recommended the Infant Rattle by Oball. We will review this toy at a later date. 


Manufacturer's Description

The Baby Einstein Bendy Ball features bright primary colors and the recognizable Caterpillar character on center band. Soft, flexible plastic make this ball both durable and fun and the Bendy Ball's design makes it easy for little fingers to grasp and roll. The multi-colored rolling Rattle Ball inside adds additional sounds and visual stimulation to this toy.

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